This week Nikon Rumors reports Nikon will announce three more DSLR cameras in 2012. The current DSLR that have not been updated or replaced recently include the D3100, D5100, D7000 and D300s. It should be noted that all of these cameras are produced in Nikon’s Thailand facility that was badly damaged in the floods in October, 2011. The Thailand factory resumed production in January and should be operating at full capacity by the end of March.
A review of previous Nikon DSLR camera announcements may predict what is due for update this year:
D3000 series:
D3000 July 30, 2009
D3100 August 19, 2010
D3200 (?)
Schedule: 1 year updates
Status: D3200 overdue (delayed due to floods?)
Prediction: D3200 announcment in 2012 highly likely.
D5000 series:
D5000 April 14, 2009
D5100 April 5, 2011
D5200 (?)
Schedule: 2 year update schedule
Status: on schedule
Prediction: D5100 not due until 2013.
D7000 series:
D90 August 27, 2008
D7000 September 15, 2010
D7100 (?)
Schedule: 2-year update schedule
Status: on schedule
Prediction: D7100 due in late 2012.
D100 February 23, 2002
D200 November 1, 2005
D300 August 23, 2007
D300s July 30, 2009
D400 (?)
Schedule: Approximately 2 year update schedule
Status: D400 overdue (delayed due to floods?)
Prediction: D400 due in 2012.
Given the history of Nikon DSLR announcements, it seems the D3200 and D400 are the most likely cameras to be released soon. The D7100 may come later in 2012. The current D7000 is in extremely short supply due to the Thailand situation, with back orders stacking up for months. This will most likely be rectified before the updated D7100 is released. The D3100 and D5100 have not experienced as many shortages.
The D400 is most anticipated DSLR due for update. In his February 15 commentary, Thom Hogan notes the price gap between the $3000 D800 and $1200 D7000. He beleives with “100% confidence” that there will be camera to fill this spot. His thinks a $1700-2000 camera would fit and it would most likely be DX format. “History and price say that it will be DX,” he states. He thinks a full frame camera in this price range is unlikely due to the sensor cost.
We expect Nikon to make the D400 announcement soon. The Nikon D3200 is likely to follow. The D7100 will probably come later this fall.